Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sleep Problems

A Good Night's Sleep
Sounds pretty good doesn't it?

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief
Are you getting a good night's sleep? If not, you're not alone. Nearly two-thirds of all Americans complain of not being able to sleep. Nearly 40% of those people said they wake up off and on throughout the night, while more than 25% said they wake up too early and simply can't get back to sleep -- or had a tough time falling asleep in the first place. And, if that wasn't enough, almost half of the people said they don't feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning. Many feel even more tired and have a difficult time staying awake during the day. Does any of this sound like you? Occasional trouble falling asleep -- or staying asleep? Don't feel good when you wake up? That's not the way it's supposed to be...

You want to be able to get to sleep quickly, get a good solid night's rest, and wake up feeling recharged, renewed and re energized. But, I'm sure you realize that good sleep is not only something you want... It's something you -- and your body -- desperately need. That's right -- you need a good night's sleep.

Good sleep is essential for your overall health and well being.

When you don't get a full night's sleep, you feel the effects almost instantly.

- It's tough to get up in the morning.

- Your performance may suffer at school, on the job, or with normal daily activities.

- It could take much more effort to focus and concentration on the smallest things and decisions.

- You could find yourself feeling loopy or off balance.

- You may experience mood swings, depression or aggressive behavior.

- You could fall asleep during the day (or struggle to stay awake)

And these are just a few of the effects that you or someone you know have likely experienced after even just one night of poor sleep.

A recent study showed that if you get less sleep than you need for just one night, you reduce your capability to function the following day by over 30%.

So it should be no surprise that Americans spent more than $3 billion on prescription sleep aids in the previous years.

Stop and ask yourself how good it would feel if you could fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly all through the night. It would feel pretty good, wouldn’t it?

When you feel rested and energized, you wake up in the morning ready to meet your day with enough energy to keep you going all day and all night. Instead of feeling tired, sluggish, or drained.

When you get the sleep your body needs, you can enjoy your life to the fullest. You know the life you deserve... the way it is suppose to be....

Feel full of life, have more clarity, and don't put off the things you like to do because you don't have enough energy. A good night's sleep is the solution to this. It is one thing to fall asleep, but another to STAY asleep. You fall asleep only to awake hours later realizing that it is about to be a long night...

In Harmony 7000 items Energetic Evaluation

Let us help you to find the reasons of your sleepless nights.

Generally when I have asked people about difficulty sleeping I have gotten two responses...
1. "I simply just cannot get to sleep!'

2. "I wake up all throughout the night!"

 Sound familiar? Relax we finally can find the reasons to your sleep problems!

 Get The Restful Night's Sleep Of Your Dreams!

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

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