Thursday, March 14, 2013

Healing Sessions

In Person or at Distance

 Get positive support for your journey to health. We are here to assist you with alignment of your energies to support your best and highest potential. The technologies can work with you anywhere you are located. Our methods focus subtle energies that communicate information. This information is in the form of frequencies which compare your responses to that of positive health: body, mind and spirit. The energies we utilize for you are safe, gentle and relaxing. Distance Healing offers a paradigm shift of healthcare. By reducing stressful energies, the process empowers your body’s natural ability to heal.

Consider some of the areas of stress that you would like to have improved and focused on during your Distance Healing session. It could be anything …organs, hormones, emotions…try us! We will do our best to apply the energies that apply to your specific stress condition to get your energies on the right track for your optimal health.

The typical distance healing session lasts an hour. You may either be present on the phone for the full session. Or you may decide that you want to speak to your therapist at the beginning of the session, and then relax quietly while the session is in progress. Your wellness coach will then call you in the last ten minutes of the session and let you know your stress responses and what energies were focused on during your distance healing session.

If necessary you will receive a geopathic balancing. This is given to individuals who live or work in high frequency surroundings, who live or work in high-rise buildings. This also prepares the body to be in balance to receive the session’s healing frequencies.

After a distance healing session, you will be feeling more in harmony and aligned with yourself. Your emotional frequencies stabilized, blocks removed allowing your vital energy to flow.

Your meridians will be opened so that energy flows beautifully throughout your body. Your mental conflicts will be dissolved. Your lungs will feel relaxed and you will able to breathe easier. Past traumas from your life that had been buried will be cleared. In short, you will feel excellent — not only de-stressed, but in excellent health — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Some of our clients appreciate our weekly sessions so much that stay with the program for years. Many clients have stayed with our weekly therapies for 1, 2 or more years. Not only has it helped their sense of well-being, but it has helped their financial health as well, because we have been able to boost their state of concentration, focused attention, memory retention, inspiration and inner peace.  Please call to book your healing session.

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief