Friday, March 14, 2014

Allergies Elimination

                           Elimination Protocol

Low Level Laser Technique for the “LER” learned emotional response

More than 100 milion Americans suffer from symptoms associated with allergies, spending $200 billion annually on antihistaminesto temporarily suppress the body’s allergic response. Would you apply the brakes while your foot is on the gas pedal?

The protocol, is a low level cold laser therapy that has unparalleled results in retraining the body's physical responses to allergies. In fact, this non-invasive system will identify, address and resolve Learned Emotional Responses ”LER” to thousands of potential factors - in 10 sessions You can expect to improve in areas that were being affected by hypersensitivity and metabolic imbalances. “LER” is a reactive mechanism to the environment that an individual ‘learns and develops’throughout the course of their life time

While there are various origins to the “LER”; environmental, developmental, and genetic, they all revolve to the fact that the body has LEARNED to over-react to a stimulus in its environment. These stimulus responses are developed and stored in the memory system via repeated “BODY SCANS”. Any time the body experiences some type of stress, it runs a system scan and takes inventory: How is the brain…normal; How are the sinuses…full of pollen; how is the heart…normal; how is the gut…full of wheat products etc…

It runs these scans to establish an appropriate response pattern. It recognizes that we are stress and there is pollen in the sinuses, or wheat products in the gut, etc, etc. Therefore, the next time the body realizes that there is pollen in the sinuses or wheat in the gut….we must be stressed. And it runs a “STRESS” or “LER” program on the body, inflammation; sneezing, increase the heart rate, and the fight or flight mechanism is initiated.

Some Learned Emotional responses have been acquired early in life, others later in life. Some clients have a genetic predisposition for “LER”,others do not. Regardless of the origin, the result is the same, the body has developed a negative response mechanism to its environment, when the stimulant is present, the body runs the learned response.

The Elimination Therapy takes 10 visits and is completely painless and does not use shots, needles or drugs. Alergies elimination protocole  uses low level cold laser therapy, gently sending digital signatures of the sensitivities into the auricular therapy points of the ear (acupuncture points). This specific laser-guided therapy stimulates nerve bundles that correspond to the major organ systems and temporarily strengthens the organ system while being exposed to the sensitivity, forming a positive association with the substance. This retrains your nervous systems' pathways not to react inappropriately to these normally harmless substances.

Is it safe for children?

It is completely safe for children of all ages. Children, often benefit as much or more than adults as they respond very well at a time when their sensitivities seem to be the worst.

How many visits will I need?

Systemic conditions have generalized symptoms throughout the body, usually with inflammation, and are supported with a 10-series protocol.


In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Who gets Distance Healing?

Who Gets Distance Healing

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief


  • People who are open to the idea that distance healing is possible. With quantum healing, non-local healing works just like local bioenergy healing.
  • People with chronic health problems who want natural healing often chose biofeedback therapy so they can connect with what their body is trying to tell them.
  • People interested in spiritual emotional healing and alternative healing.
  • Caregivers who need energetic healing and extra emotional healing.
  • Traveling executives needing support with the physical, mental, and emotional effects of Jetlag and air traveling.
  • Stressed executives who look to long-distance healing when in need of an extra boost of energy healing.
  • Parents with children with ADD, ADHD, autism use biofeedback and quantum healing to help them have more focused attention
  • Sports performers who use bioenergy to raise their vibrational levels and perform at their mental and physical best even at a distance!
  • People who use vibrational healing to balance out their chakras when they are feeling out of alignment.
  • People who are interested quantum distance healing for emotional healing and support.
  • People who are interested in holistic health and want to participate in their own energetic healing.
  • Support before and after surgery to help with encouraging the healing process.
  • People who need help with managing stress when they are going through relationship changes: loss of loved-one, break-up, marriage or divorce.
  • People who acknowledge the body-mind healing connection.
  • Those who need encouragement from their healers to help them with their career, family and personal development.
  • People who need holistic practitioners on their team that can offer emotional support and resources!

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief