Sunday, November 25, 2012

Book Your Biofeedback Session Today

Learn How it Works

Holistic Stress Relief for Wellness

The In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief Systems works simultaneously on several levels. It works to soothe Emotional Stress by clearing underlying emotional conflicts. It is able to do this through biofeedback, without any verbal conversation. It also works to relieve Mental Stresses that come from day-to-day living; it also works to calm Spiritual Stresses. Spiritual stressors are what come from our underlying fear of death, which ties in to fears of aging, fears of health loss, fears of accidents.

The In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief System uses quantum biofeedback to measure the electro-magnetic activity in the body via different electromagnetic responses. It does this by comparing resonant frequencies of complex mathematical calculations of the body with over 7000 known compounds stored in the software database. Our system feeds back information, in the form of recommended homeopathic solutions, electro-acupuncture, meridian and naturopathic balancing.

As a premier biofeedback system, our system records subtle "reactive" information provided during the assessment part of the session. Our system evaluates the responses through the high end visual graphic interface. Finally, the computer challenges the individual unconsciously with the information by feeding it back to them. There are also enhanced therapy modalities to calm the mind and the body.

Our system works by reducing the stresses on a body at the electro-magnetic level. Stress normally begins by producing an alarm response in the body, which if not managed by the body’s own natural resources… can lead to the development of an adaptation response. If stress is not resolved, symptoms appear. Imbalances usually begin at the cell level, progress to tissue and organ level, and may eventually involve the whole body system if the stress is not relieved. That’s why our system really helps people who do not know how to manage their stress.

Our In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief system helps to relieve stress for people who have acute or chronic difficulties, for people who want to use it for prevention to stay healthy, and for people who want to use it to create optimal health.

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Riverdale Location

Science of Distance Healing Distance Healing

Science of Distance Healing.

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief


Distance Healing is emerges from the movement of understanding energy from a deeper perspective. How we are affected by energies and how we can remap our consciousness to create new healthier realities. Quantum physics gives us the principles of how energies are connected, even from a distance. Like all wireless technology, you just need to the code to tap in.

Distance or non-local healing has been practiced in multiple energetic practices including Qi Gong, Reiki and more. Many ancient practices of healing were based on the principles of moving energy. This currently includes practices such as massage and acupuncture.

We would like to share some inspiring resources for gaining more information on how quantum physics plays a major role in how energy moves and transforms our lives.

DVDs: The Living Matrix, What the Bleep Do We Know?

Books: Living in the Field, The Quantum Doctor


In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief


Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing on Multiple Levels

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

 How can we find balance with all of the toxicity we have to deal with from the modern world on a daily basis? There has to be a balance to help keep our energy fields in alignment with healthy energies. We feel that there is a missing piece in conventional healthcare. Understanding you as a whole being with interconnected parts including your energy field is key to your ultimate wellness.

When you receive a distance healing or in person from In Harmony, you are having an adjustment of your entire energy field, naturally. Our state-of-the-art quantum technology works through biofeedback to helps you identify the stressors that are blocking your energy. Next, it stabilizes your energy field by helping your system to manage stress effectively. Less stress then helps your body to have the energy it needs to heal and strengthens your overall health and vitality.

Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Stress Management

For a healing to be complete, it is necessary to address all these levels of a human being. That is why our process of balancing your system takes multiple levels into consideration. Approaching it this way means that a healing can be complete and holistic. We gently address the underlying issues that may have begun the stress in the first place. Most importantly, we help you to have insight into your emotional and spiritual stress to learn how your emotional body is communicating with you. In our experience, we have found that the physical stress is often a reflection of a deeper emotional or spiritual stress. The physical condition is often the alarm to help us wake up and pay attention. We guide you through the information verbally as it is being communicated to you energetically.

It takes intelligence, intuition and care to achieve this balance. We take great care to coach you and your energies into a state of wellness and vitality. In Harmony Quantum Healing also works to clear energy imbalances on deep levels for stress management to keep your energy at optimal levels and your emotional and mental states in harmony.

Call us for an appointment:

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief


Depression Relief

Depression Relief

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

The new field of energetic medicine is a sophisticated, intelligent way of viewing health and wellness and correcting depression based on quantum physics.

According to the principles of energetic medicine, the body’s mental well-being depends on information fields on the energetic or quantum field level. These information fields are an active, creative force, intimately involved in the form and manifestation of one’s state of health—physically, mentally and emotionally. When we examine the body’s health through the viewpoint of the energetic body, we are able to assess the correct informational fields which produce emotional well being. And we can also detect disturbed informational fields which produce mental or emotional lows or dysfunctional patterns which we refer to as depression.

According to energetics, any form of depression can be redefined as an imbalance arising in the informational energy field. In simple terms, depression is a glitch in the programming of one’s informational field. The correction of this depression can be accomplished by correcting these disturbances, which can then eliminate the disharmony and the dysfunctional patterning of the depression, to restore mental and emotional well being. Energetic medicine, by rebalancing the body and mind, enables the body and mind to heal itself, naturally.

So that this does not seem overly simplified, energetic medicine simultaneously addresses several other important aspects of the human system. This includes Bioresonance that helps to clear disharmonious frequencies from the body.

Energetic medicine makes use of natural processes for rebalancing the system. One of the initial assessments for our clients who need help with depression is to do an overview of lifestyle and eating habits. We do an assessment that shows what nutrients are missing that may be affecting mood and mental outlook. The cycle of stress and vitamin depletion needs to be checked out. Also, many individuals with depression difficulties may be taking minerals and vitamins but may not be absorbing them. We need to address this.

Oftentimes, human systems in today’s world are suffering from overload. Not only poor eating habits but pollution of air, water supply, electro-pollution, high levels of sugar in the diet, over-activity, over-stimulation, caffeine, alcohol, not to mention money and relationship worries that may all contribute to depression.

Next we usually check the neurotransmitters in the brain to see what is out of balance. We are able to balance the high and the low neurotransmitters. We are able to energetically boost neurotransmitters that are in low supply. This often helps to start lifting the depression fog.

Then we work on neuro-linguistic programming to retrain the brain to healthy thinking patterns. Some of our energetic reprogramming for depression includes Release of false illusions, Anger control 1 & 2 (for slight or deep anger), Restoration of positive self image, Depression release, Letting go of self-aggression, Stopping addictive behavior, Release of negativity, Dissolving fear and paranoia, Stimulating emotional growth, Stimulating memory (storage, retention, retrieval), and Stimulating insight and intelligence.

All of this patterning reprogramming is chosen by the client’s subconscious in the degree and order they need to be addressed. Our energetic process is calibrated with the client’s subconscious. Our systems have an alarm reaction so that if the client becomes in any way stressed, the program stops and relaxation biofeedback puts them back in a receptive, relaxed frame of mind again.

Additional programs include Obsession release (to reduce worry and anxiety), Schizophrenic reunion to self, Reprogramming of karma, Stimulation of creativity, Higher purpose alignment for accelerating spiritual growth, Stimulation of innate intelligence, and Stimulation of verbal, emotional and mathematical intelligence. Our programs also address Joining of the hemispheres of the brain to know one’s true self, Reduction of the death instinct of self-destruction, Stabilizing love, Reducing frustration, Grief assistance, Reducing sadness, Stabilization mood disorders, and Building up of self confidence.

One of our Quantum programs that is particularly valuable is called Unconscious Reactivity. In this program we address fears, traumas and frustrations from the past. Working with the client’s subconscious we are able to deal with a particular traumatic situation that may be an underlying disturbance adding to depression. Our Quantum system, taking its lead from the client’s subconscious, delineates the years that the trauma escalated, from gestation through to present, along with the underlying cause of the trauma, the part of the body system where the trauma is trapped, along with the various organs affected by the trauma. Then the program is able to help dissolve the trauma on the organic, cellular and emotional levels. The program deeply interfaces with the forgiveness and letting go process, and has helped hundreds and hundreds of people.

As if this was not enough, our Quantum Distance Program for Depression addresses an entire other level of Biofeedback programs. Some of those programs include: Releasing subconscious negativity, Balancing the conscious with the subconscious, Emotional release, Balancing bipolar depression, Releasing emotional and physical trauma, Releasing psycho-somatic disorders, Tuning brain function, Re-establishing the body to soul connection, Stimulation of oxygen to the brain, Aggression release, Reducing stress in spine and nerves, Releasing psychic pain and releasing phobias. Our programs can also help to improve Learning disabilities and to Release one’s deep potential to succeed. For clients with migraines, we are able to help them by balancing both hemispheres of the brain through Harmonic Therapy.

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Saturday, November 24, 2012



Pets do extremely well with quantum distance biofeedback. Because they have few emotional blockages, the therapy works very quickly for them.
Pets are very sensitive, emotionally. Because pets cannot talk, they have few ways of expressing its pains, its hurts and emotions. Our system is so sensitive that it can pick up hundreds of details about your pet — including the ten top emotional stresses your pet is going through. And our quantum systems can balance them out so they feel lighter, carefree and happier.

Pets will take on their owner’s stresses … to try and help relieve their owner’s stresses. With as difficult as the world has been the past couple years, pets have become overloaded from all the stresses that they have been absorbing from people. Our therapies can relieve those stresses for them.

Our systems can help relieve hundreds of your pet’s issues including the stress of old age, the stresses of their livers, kidneys, spine, muscles, nerves, digestion. Our systems can pick up hormonal stresses, and balance their hormones energetically. We can scan for any vitamin or mineral stresses they might have… or stresses they have from specific viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi.

The fact that we can do this so successfully at a distance is not a miracle. Our systems work on the principles of quantum physics. In our every day world we use many types of wireless technology. Wireless computer hookups, wireless cell phones, wireless tv remotes, wireless garage door openers.

Our quantum system is a biofeedback device, with frequency generation. They are registered with the FDA as stress reduction devices. In the European Union, including Germany, where they are very strict about testing, our device has been rated as a Class II Medical Device.

You should see a veterinarian for any medical difficulties your pet may have, and receive medical treatment. But our systems are very competent at stress reduction, which is a major underlying issue for many pets.

Below, find two notes of thank yous we have received recently from pets and their owners after a distance session.

“I want to thank you “pawsonally” for all the help caring and healing we have received from In Harmony. Because of you I can walk up my stairs once again. Woof! I want to let others know how wonderful Jose is I doggedly recommend you to any dog or person who needs your help!” – Brawny Dog — a Labrador from New Jersey

A second comment-testimonial:

“My dear, sweet Kiko cat has been suffering from renal problems. She had lost her appetite and was acting very sad and depressed. Since her 3 Distance Healing sessions she is truly a new cat. She is dancing around like a kitten again. I am so grateful that you have given my Kiko cat another one of her nine lives!” — Kiko cat, North Carolina


Pets do not have to be confined for distance therapy sessions. They can be free to walk about or rest. Most pets, because of their sensitive energies, are aware that something is happening to them. We normally call the pet’s owner and discuss the situation before the therapy. During the last ten minutes of the session, the therapist will call back and let you know the findings and what was balanced during the session.

Please be aware that this therapy is gentle and safe for your pet, and will not cause them any discomfort. This quantum de-stressing session will not create any side effects, nor will it interfere with any medications that your pet may be taking.

Think of our quantum distance work as being more of a balancing therapy for your pet’s entire system, so that their stresses are relieved, physically and emotionally. This way their whole system will work in unison, and this will allow their bodies to heal easier and more naturally.

Another comment from a client:“I am so grateful for all the wonderful work you have done for my great dane. Because of his age, and hip displaysia, he was paralyzed from the hips on down and had to drag himself around by his front paws. Thanks to your Distance Healing, he can now stand up and move himself around on all fours. And his tail wags once again!” – Danny — a Great Dane from Rye New York


Please be aware that we have special sessions for pets that are suffering from aging illness. We can help to relieve some of the burdens of aging and pain, both physically and emotionally.

Call us for a distance appointment for your pet.


In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Food Additive Excitotoxins and Degenerative Brain Disorders

Food Additive Excitotoxins and Degenerative Brain Disorders

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

by Russell L. Blaylock, MD

How Excitotoxins Were Discovered
The FDA's Response
The Corporate Response


There are a growing number of clinicians and basic scientists who are convinced that a group of compounds called excitotoxins play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, neuropsychiatric disorders, learning disorders in children, AIDS dementia, episodic violence, lyme borreliosis, hepatic encephalopathy, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.(1)

An enormous amount of both clinical and experimental evidence has accumulated over the past decade supporting this basic premise.(2) Yet, the FDA still refuses to recognize the immediate and long term danger to the public caused by the practice of allowing various excitotoxins to be added to the food supply, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and aspartame.* The amount of these neurotoxins added to our food has increased enormously since their first introduction. For example, since 1948 the amount of MSG added to foods has doubled every decade. By 1972, 262,000 metric tons were being added to foods. Over 800 million pounds of aspartame have been consumed in various products since it was first approved. Ironically, these food additives have nothing to do with preserving food or protecting its integrity. They are all used to alter the taste of food. MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and natural flavoring are used to enhance the taste of food so as to mask disagreeable taste and magnify desired taste. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that goes by various brand names such as NutraSweet and Equal.

These toxins (excitotoxins) are not present in just a few foods, but rather in almost all processed foods. In many cases they are being added in disguised forms, such as natural flavoring, spices, yeast extract, textured protein, soy protein extract, etc. Experimentally, we know that when subtoxic levels of excitotoxins are given to animals in divided doses, they experience full toxicity, i.e., they are synergistic. Also, liquid forms of excitotoxins, as occurs in soups, gravies and diet soft drinks are more toxic than that added to solid foods. This is because they are more rapidly absorbed and reach higher blood levels.

So, what is an excitotoxin? These are substances, usually acidic amino acids, that react with specialized receptors in the brain in such a way as to lead to destruction of certain types of neurons. Glutamate is one of the more commonly known excitotoxins, but over seventy have thus far been identified. MSG is the sodium salt of glutamate. Glutamate is a normal neurotransmitter in the brain. In fact, it is the most commonly used neurotransmitter by the brain. Defenders of MSG and aspartame use, usually say: How could a substance that is used normally by the brain cause harm? This is because, glutamate, as a neurotransmitter, exists in the extracellular fluid only in very, very small concentrations --- no more than 8 to 12uM. When the concentration of this transmitter rises above this level, the neurons begin to fire abnormally. At higher concentrations, the cells undergo this specialized process of delayed cell death, excitotoxicity. That is, they are excited to death.

It should also be appreciated that the effects of excitotoxin food additives generally are not dramatic. Some individuals may be especially sensitive and develop severe symptoms and even sudden death from cardiac irritability; but, in most instances, the effects are subtle and develop over a long period of time. While the food additives, MSG and aspartame, are probably not direct causes of the neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), they may well precipitate these disorders and certainly worsen their pathology as we shall see. It may be that many people with a propensity for developing one of these diseases would never develop a full blown disorder had it not been for their exposure to high levels of food borne excitotoxin additives. Some may have had a very mild form of the disease had it not been for the exposure. Likewise, food borne excitotoxins may be harmful to those suffering from strokes, head injury and HIV infection, and certainly should not be used in a hospital setting.

How Excitotoxins Were Discovered

In 1957, two ophthalmology residents, Lucas and Newhouse, were conducting an experiment on mice to study a particular eye disorder.(3) During the course of this experiment, they fed newborn mice MSG and discovered that all demonstrated widespread destruction of the inner nerve layer of the retina. Similar destruction was also seen in adult mice but not as severe as the newborns. The results of their experiment was published in the Archives of Ophthalmology and soon forgotten.

For ten years prior to this report, large amounts of MSG were being added not only to adult foods but also to baby foods in doses equal to those of the experimental animals.

Then in 1969, Dr. John Olney, a neuroscientist and neuropathologist working out of the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis, repeated Lucas and Newhouse's experiment.(4) His lab assistant noticed that the newborn of MSG exposed mice were grossly obese and short in stature. Further examination also demonstrated hypoplastic organs, including pituitary, thyroid, adrenal as well as reproductive dysfunction. Physiologically, they demonstrated multiple endocrine deficiencies, including TSH, growth hormone, LH, FSH, and ACTH. When Dr. Olney examined the animal's brain, he discovered discrete lesions of the arcuate nucleus as well as less severe destruction of other hypothalamic nuclei.

Recent studies have shown that glutamate is the most important neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus.(5) Since this early observation, monosodium glutamate and other excitatory substances have become the standard tool in studying the function of the hypothalamus. Later studies indicated that the damage by monosodium glutamate was much more widespread and included such areas as the hippocampus, circumventricular organs, locus ceruleus, amygdala-limbic system, subthalamus, and striatum.(6)

More recent molecular studies have disclosed the mechanism of this destruction in some detail.(7) Early on, it was observed that when neurons in vitro were exposed to glutamate and then washed clean, the cells appeared perfectly normal for approximately an hour, at which time they rapidly underwent cell death. It was discovered that when calcium was removed from the medium, the cells continued to survive. Subsequent studies have shown that glutamate, and other excitatory amino acids, attach to a specialized family of receptors (NMDA, kainate, AMPA and metabotrophic) which in turn, either directly or indirectly, opens the calcium channel on the neuron cell membrane, allowing calcium to flood into the cell. If unchecked, this calcium will trigger a cascade of reactions, including free radical generation, eicosanoid production, and lipid peroxidation, which will destroy the cell. With this calcium triggered stimulation, the neuron becomes very excited, firing its impulses repetitively until the point of cell death, hence the name excitotoxin. The activation of the calcium channel via the NMDA type receptors also involves other membrane receptors such as the zinc, magnesium, phencyclidine, and glycine receptors.

In many disorders connected to excitotoxicity, the source of the glutamate and aspartate is endogenous. We know that when brain cells are injured they release large amounts of glutamate from surrounding astrocytes, and this glutamate can further damage surrounding normal neuronal cells. This appears to be the case in strokes, seizures and brain trauma. But, food borne excitotoxins can add significantly to this accumulation of toxins.

The FDA's Response

In July 1995, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) conducted a definitive study for the FDA on the question of safety of MSG.(8) The FDA wrote a very deceptive summary of the report in which they implied that, except possibly for asthma patients, MSG was found to be safe by the FASEB reviewers. But, in fact, that is not what the report said at all. I summarized, in detail, my criticism of this widely reported FDA deception in the revised paperback edition of my book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, by analyzing exactly what the report said, and failed to say.(9) For example, it never said that MSG did not aggravate neurodegenerative diseases. What they said was, there were no studies indicating such a link. Specifically, that no one has conducted any studies, positive or negative, to see if there is a link. A vital difference.

What we find is that there are many gaps in our knowledge concerning the toxicity of food additive excitotoxins. For example, virtually no long term studies have been done on the neuroendocrine effects of chronic excitotoxin additive feeding in humans. Likewise, there are no studies of regionally distributed brain levels of glutamate, aspartate and cysteine following chronic excitotoxin feeding. Most important, there are no studies of the effect of these excitotoxins on the physiology of the nervous system under conditions of low brain energy supply. In examining the research literature, virtually all studies of this problem, other than behavioral effects, are centered on microscopic pathologic changes and not functional alterations of either the neurons themselves or of the entire brain itself. This is of vital importance, since we know that neurons can have severely altered function without pathological change as seen on either light or electron microscopy. Several studies have been done that demonstrate significant alteration in brain neurochemistry with acute MSG exposure.(10,11)

The Corporate Response

Unfortunately, for the consumer, the corporate food processors not only continued to add MSG to our foods, but they have gone to great links to disguise these harmful additives. For example, they use such names as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable protein, textured protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, soy protein extract, caseinate, yeast extract, and natural flavoring. We know experimentally that when these excitotoxin taste enhancers are added together they become much more toxic than is seen individually.(12) In fact, excitotoxins in subtoxic concentrations can be fully toxic to specialized brain cells when used in combination. Frequently, I see processed foods on supermarket shelves, especially frozen or diet foods, that contain two, three or even four types of excitotoxins. We also know, as stated, that excitotoxins in liquid forms are much more toxic than solid forms because they are rapidly absorbed and attain high concentration in the blood. This means that many of the commercial soups, sauces, and gravies containing MSG are very dangerous to nervous system health, and should especially be avoided by those either having one of the above mentioned disorders, or who are at a high risk of developing one of them. They should also be avoided by cancer patients and those at high risk for cancer, because of the associated generation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation.(13)

In the case of ALS, we know that consumption of red meats and especially MSG itself, can significantly elevate blood glutamate, much higher than is seen in the normal population.(14) Similar studies, as far as I am aware, have not been conducted in patients with Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease. But, as a general rule, I would certainly suggest that person's with either of these diseases avoid MSG containing foods as well as red meats, cheeses, and pureed tomatoes, all of which are known to have higher levels of glutamate.

It must be remembered that it is the glutamate molecule that is toxic in MSG. Glutamate is a naturally occurring amino acid found in varying concentrations in many foods. Defenders of MSG safety allude to this fact in their defense. But, it is free glutamate that is the culprit. Bound glutamate, found naturally in foods, is less dangerous because it is slowly broken down and absorbed by the gut, so that it can be utilized by the tissues, especially muscle, before toxic concentrations can build up. Therefore, a whole tomato is safer than a pureed tomato. The only exception to this based on present knowledge, is in the case of ALS. Also, the tomato plant contains several powerful antioxidants known to block glutamate toxicity.(15)

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein is a common food additive and may contain at least two excitotoxins, glutamate and cysteic acid. Hydrolyzed vegetable protein is made by a chemical process that breaks down the vegetable's protein structure to purposefully free the glutamate, as well as aspartate, another excitotoxin. This brown powdery substance is used to enhance the flavor of foods, especially meat dishes, soups, and sauces. Despite the fact that some health food manufacturers have attempted to sell the idea that this flavor enhancer is "all natural" and "safe" because it is made from vegetables, it is not. It is the same substance added to processed foods. Experimentally, one can produce the same brain lesions using hydrolyzed vegetable protein as by using MSG or aspartate.(16)

A growing list of excitotoxins are being discovered, including several that are found naturally. For example, L-cysteine is a very powerful excitotoxin. Recently, it has been added to certain bread dough and is sold in health food stores as a supplement. Homocysteine, a metabolic derivative, is also an excitotoxin.(17) Interestingly, elevated blood levels of homocysteine has recently been shown to be a major, if not the major, indicator of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Equally interesting, is the finding that elevated levels have also been implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders, especially anencephaly and spinal dysraphism (i.e., neural tube defects).(18) It is thought that this is the protective mechanism of action associated with the use of the prenatal vitamins B12, B6, and folate when used in combination. It remains to be seen if the toxic effect is excitatory or by some other mechanism. If it is excitatory, then unborn infants would be endangered as well by glutamate, aspartate (part of the aspartame molecule), and the other excitotoxins. Recently, several studies have been done in which it was found that all Alzheimer's patients examined had elevated levels of homocysteine.(19)

One interesting study found that persons affected by Alzheimer's disease also have widespread destruction of their retinal ganglion cells.(20) Interestingly, this is the area found to be affected when Lucas and Newhouse first discovered the excitotoxicity of MSG. While this does not prove that dietary glutamate and other excitotoxins cause or aggravate Alzheimer's disease, it is powerful circumstantial evidence. When all of the information known concerning excitatory food additives is analyzed, it is hard to justify continued approval by the FDA for the widespread use of these food additives.


In this brief discussion of a most complicated and evolving subject, I have had to omit several important pieces of the puzzle. For example, I have said little about the functional components of the receptor systems, the glutamate transporter and its relation to ALS and Alzheimer's dementia, receptor decay with aging and disease, membrane effects of lipid peroxidation products, membrane fluidity, effects of chronic inflammation on the glutamate/free radical cycle, stress hormones and excitotoxicity, the role of insulin excess on the eicosanoid system, or the detailed physiology of the glutamatergic system. I have also only briefly alluded to the toxicity of aspartame and omitted its strong connection to brain tumor induction.

But, I have tried to show the reader that there is a strong connection between dietary and endogenous excitotoxin excess and neurological dysfunction and disease. Many of the arguments by the food processing industry have been shown to be false. For example, that dietary glutamate does not enter the brain because of exclusion by the blood-brain barrier, has been shown to be wrong, since glutamate can enter by way of the unprotected areas of the brain such as the circumventricular organs. Also, as we have seen, chronic elevations of blood glutamate can breech the intact blood-brain barrier. In addition, there are numerous conditions under which the barrier is made incompetent.

As our knowledge of the pathophysiology and biochemistry of the neurodegenerative diseases increases, the connection to excitotoxicity has become stronger.(21) This is especially so with the interrelationship between excitotoxicity and free radical generation and declining energy production with aging. Several factors of aging have been shown to magnify this process. For example, as the brain ages its iron content increases, making it more susceptible to free radical generation. Also, aging changes in the blood brain barrier, microvascular changes leading to impaired blood flow, free radical mitochondrial injury to energy generating enzymes, DNA adduct formation, alterations in glucose and glutamate transporters and free radical and lipid peroxidation induced alterations in the neuronal membranes all act to make the aging brain increasingly susceptible to excitotoxic injury.

Over a lifetime of free radical injury due to chronic stress, infections, trauma, impaired blood flow, hypoglycemia, hypoxia and poor antioxidant defenses secondary to poor nutritional intake, the nervous system is significantly weakened and made more susceptible to further excitotoxic injury. We know that a loss of neuronal energy generation is one of the early changes seen with the neurodegenerative diseases. This occurs long before clinical disease develops. But, even earlier is a loss of neuronal glutathione functional levels.

A word about ascorbic acid: Few are aware of the importance of adequate ascorbate levels for CNS function and neural protection against excitotoxicity. We are finding out that ascorbic acid plays a vital role in neurobehavioral regulation and the dopaminergic system as well, which may link ascorbate supplementation to improvements in schizophrenia.

Our knowledge of this process opens up new avenues for treatment as well as prevention of excitotoxic injury to the nervous system. For example, there are many nutritional ways to improve CNS antioxidant defenses and boost neuronal energy generation, as well as improve membrane fluidity and receptor integrity. By using selective glutamate blocking drugs or nutrients, one may be able to alter some of the more devastating effects of Parkinson's disease. For example, there is evidence that dopamine deficiency causes a disinhibition (overactivity) of the subthalamic nucleus and that this may result in excitotoxic injury to the substantia nigra.(22) By blocking the glutamatergic neurons in this nucleus, one may be able to reduce this damage. There is also evidence that several nutrients can significantly reduce excitotoxicity. For example, combinations of coenzyme Q10 and niacinamide have been shown to protect against striatal excitotoxic lesions. Methylcobolamine, phosphotidylserine, picnogenol and acetyl-L-carnitine all protect against excitotoxicity as well.

Of particular concern is the toxic effects of these excitotoxic compounds on the developing brain. It is well recognized that the immature brain is four times more sensitive to the toxic effects of the excitatory amino acids as is the mature brain. This means that excitotoxic injury is of special concern from the fetal stage to adolescence. There is evidence that the placenta concentrates several of these toxic amino acids on the fetal side of the placenta. Consumption of aspartame and MSG containing products by pregnant women during this critical period of brain formation is of special concern and should be discouraged. Many of the effects, such as endocrine dysfunction and complex learning, are subtle and may not appear until the child is older. Other hypothalamic syndromes associated with early excitotoxic lesions include immune alterations and violence dyscontrol.

Over 100 million American now consume aspartame products and a greater number consume products containing one or more excitotoxins. There is sufficient medical literature documenting serious injury by these additives in the concentrations presently in our food supply to justify warning the public of these dangers. The case against aspartame is especially strong.


* See FDA position papers at and


1. Ikonomidou C, Turski L. Glutamate in neurodegenerative disorders, in Stone TW (Ed.), Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators: Glutamate. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995, pp. 253-272.
2. Whetsell WO, Shapira NA. Biology of Disease. Neuroexcitation, excitotoxicity and human neurological disease. Lab Invest 1993;68:372-387.
3. Lucas DR, Newhouse JP. The toxic effect of sodium L-glutamate on the inner layer of the retina. Arch Ophthalmol 1957;58:193-201.
4. Olney JW. Brain lesions, obesity, and other disturbances in mice treated with monosodium glutamate. Science 1969;165:719-721.
5. Pol ANV, Wuarin J-P, Dudek E. Glutamate, the dominate excitatory transmitter in neuroendocrine regulation. Science 1990;250:1276-1278.
6. Coyle JT, et al. Excitatory Amino Acid Neurotoxins: Selectivity, Specificity, and Mechanisms of Action. Neurosci Research Bull 1981;19(4).
7. Blackstone CD, Huganir RL. Molecular structure of Glutamate Receptor Channels, in Stone TW (Ed), CNS Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators: Glutamate. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995, pp. 53-67.
8. Analysis of Adverse Reactions to Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Life Sciences Research Office, FASEB, July 1995.
9. Blaylock RL. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. Health Press, Santa Fe, NM, 1997, pp. 248-254.
10. Dawson R, Simpkins JW, Wallace DR. Age and dose-dependent effects of neonatal monosodium glutamate (MSG) administration to female rats. Neurotox Teratol 1989;11:331-337.
11. Dawson R. Acute and long lasting neurochemical effects of monosodium glutamate administration to mice. Neuropharmacology 1983;22:1417-1419.
12. Olney JW. Glutamate: a neurotoxic transmitter. J Child Neurol 1989;4:218-226.
13. Choudhary P, Malik VB, et al. Studies on the effect of monosodium glutamate on hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation, calcium, ascorbic acid and glutathione and its dependent enzymes in adult male mice. Toxicol Lett 1996;89:71-76.
14. Plaitakis A, Caroscio JT. Abnormal glutamate metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ann Neuro 1987;22:575-579.
15. Blaylock RL. Neurodegeneration and aging of the central nervous system: Prevention and treatment by phytochemicals and metabolic nutrients. Integrative Med 1998;1:117-133.
16. Olney JW. Excitotoxic food additives: functional teratological aspects. Prog Brain Res 1988;18:283-294.
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18. Esskes TK. Neural tube defects, vitamins and homocysteine. Eur J Pediatr 1998;157:Suppl 2:S139-S141.
19. McCaddon A, Daves G, et al. Total serum homocysteine in senile dementia of Alzheimer type. In J Geriatr Psychiatry 1998;13:235-239.
20. Banks JC, et al. Retinal pathology in Alzheimer's disease. I. Ganglion cell loss in foveal/parafoveal retina. Neurobiol Aging 1996;17:377-384.
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22. Rodriguez MC, Obeso JA, Olanow CW. Subthalamic nucleus-mediated excitotoxicity in Parkinson's disease: a target for neuroprotection. Ann Neurol 1998;44:(Supp 1) S175-S188.

Dr. Blaylock is a neurological surgeon in Jackson, Mississippi, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Medical Sentinel. E-mail:

Originally published in the Medical Sentinel 1999;4(6):212-215. Copyright ©1999 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Primary Cause of Cancer

The Primary Cause of Cancer

Holistic Stress Relief for Wellness

Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg 1931 Nobel Prize Winner

Dr Otto Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now Max Planck Institute) for cell physiology in Berlin. He investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells.

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an access of H+, it is acidic; if there is an access of OH- ions, then it is alkaline.”

 In his work The Metabolism of Tumors he demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of the same coin: where you have one, you have the other.

"All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception.-"  “Dr. Otto Warburg "Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous."Otto Warburg.

Dr Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency (brought about by Toxemia). Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

Call us to know more about the Alkaline Water Ionizer and the benefits of having your own at home.

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Sleep Problems

A Good Night's Sleep
Sounds pretty good doesn't it?

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief
Are you getting a good night's sleep? If not, you're not alone. Nearly two-thirds of all Americans complain of not being able to sleep. Nearly 40% of those people said they wake up off and on throughout the night, while more than 25% said they wake up too early and simply can't get back to sleep -- or had a tough time falling asleep in the first place. And, if that wasn't enough, almost half of the people said they don't feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning. Many feel even more tired and have a difficult time staying awake during the day. Does any of this sound like you? Occasional trouble falling asleep -- or staying asleep? Don't feel good when you wake up? That's not the way it's supposed to be...

You want to be able to get to sleep quickly, get a good solid night's rest, and wake up feeling recharged, renewed and re energized. But, I'm sure you realize that good sleep is not only something you want... It's something you -- and your body -- desperately need. That's right -- you need a good night's sleep.

Good sleep is essential for your overall health and well being.

When you don't get a full night's sleep, you feel the effects almost instantly.

- It's tough to get up in the morning.

- Your performance may suffer at school, on the job, or with normal daily activities.

- It could take much more effort to focus and concentration on the smallest things and decisions.

- You could find yourself feeling loopy or off balance.

- You may experience mood swings, depression or aggressive behavior.

- You could fall asleep during the day (or struggle to stay awake)

And these are just a few of the effects that you or someone you know have likely experienced after even just one night of poor sleep.

A recent study showed that if you get less sleep than you need for just one night, you reduce your capability to function the following day by over 30%.

So it should be no surprise that Americans spent more than $3 billion on prescription sleep aids in the previous years.

Stop and ask yourself how good it would feel if you could fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly all through the night. It would feel pretty good, wouldn’t it?

When you feel rested and energized, you wake up in the morning ready to meet your day with enough energy to keep you going all day and all night. Instead of feeling tired, sluggish, or drained.

When you get the sleep your body needs, you can enjoy your life to the fullest. You know the life you deserve... the way it is suppose to be....

Feel full of life, have more clarity, and don't put off the things you like to do because you don't have enough energy. A good night's sleep is the solution to this. It is one thing to fall asleep, but another to STAY asleep. You fall asleep only to awake hours later realizing that it is about to be a long night...

In Harmony 7000 items Energetic Evaluation

Let us help you to find the reasons of your sleepless nights.

Generally when I have asked people about difficulty sleeping I have gotten two responses...
1. "I simply just cannot get to sleep!'

2. "I wake up all throughout the night!"

 Sound familiar? Relax we finally can find the reasons to your sleep problems!

 Get The Restful Night's Sleep Of Your Dreams!

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Hormonal Solutions

Hormonal Solutions

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief®

Welcome to the world of In Harmony Distance Healing where we address the issue of hormones from the aspect of quantum physics. Through our sophisticated quantum systems we are able to help people from a distance, much like cell phone technology. Our system is painless, very scientific and detailed in its approach to balancing your hormones.

Our 21st-Century technology is the latest generation in energetic medicine. Our new approach to health is based on the principles of BioPhysics and Quantum Physics. The new field of energetic medicine is a sophisticated, intelligent way of viewing health and correcting hormone imbalance with quantum physics.

In the area of hormones we are able to address them from a new point of view: energetically. This means that through energetics, we can stimulate an individual’s system to produce their own hormones, naturally. The advantage of this is that there is nothing invasive to the individual’s system, nothing that will cause any side effects. There is nothing to take. No external drugs or prescriptions. We are able to see which ones are lacking or in low supply. Then we stimulate them energetically. We also use biofeedback and neuro-linguistic programming to “lift” the emotions.

How In Harmony Addresses Hormonal Health:

There are many specific ways that In Harmony Distance Healing addresses hormone imbalances. We start out by scanning the body system to see what programming is out of balance in the body’s information field. This means we listen to the body and its energetic intelligence to tell us what is out of synchronization. With an interface calibration of over 20 channels, and 7000 system measurements, the energetic body tells us in detail exactly which hormones are low or lacking in the system. We then energetically stimulate those specific hormones to produce and release hormones in the system, naturally.

It might seem surprising how much we are able to do in a one and a half hour therapy. The protocol is detailed, but we have found that the more we perform these procedures, the better our clients respond. We have had some excellent results and, when accompanied by good vitamin and mineral supplementation, along with some form of physical exercise as simple as walking, that very nice progress is often been measured.

This process leaves our clients feeling wonderful, optimistic, energized and very balanced. Many women and men report of feeling of inner joy and happiness from being so energetically balanced. This is partially because we end each session with a showering of neuro-peptides that are definitely a feel-good energetic therapy. It is well worth a try to see the benefits of one of our hormonal sessions.

This is a very safe, effective way of keeping your body youthful, balanced, healthy and consistently energized. We can also add to this anti-aging therapy which shows the 26 ways an individual’s system is aging and then correcting those imbalances. It is an excellent preventive therapy.

It should be remembered that we work energetically, according to biophysics, so our work is very mathematical and scientific. We do not offer diagnosis, nor do we do anything invasive. We are not involved with biochemistry because that is the province of the practice of medicine, which we do not do.

We like to point out that our therapies coincide very nicely with traditional medicine, and in fact complement medicine and pharmaceuticals.


In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief
Our 21st-Century technology is the latest generation in energetic medicine. Our new approach to health is based on the principles of BioPhysics and Quantum Physics.

The new field of energetic medicine is a sophisticated, intelligent way of viewing health and correcting pain based on quantum physics.

We are interested in breaking down the pain cycles that become fixed cycles from the brain. To do this we check out the autonomic nervous system and balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic portions of the nervous system. We work to unblock blockages, be they in the spine, the meridians or the tissues. We go into biofeedback and clear up pain signals that emanate from the brain. There are 18 different biofeedback programs we use to reprogram the pain emanating from the brain.

Next we go into NeuroLinguistic Programming where we alleviate stress and balance the emotions. From there we access the neuro-transmitters in the brain and balance the neurotransmitters that are elevated or depressed. These are a few of the details that we START with in breaking down pain cycles. This process is done in person or via distance healing, energetically, and we can send you exactly the  neurotransmitters that you need.

Call us to find out more about how we can help your level of pain, acute or chronic. We are problem solvers and we have some many excellent tools at Quantum level to help you in this regard.


In Harmony Holistic Stress Relief