Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Pain Relief


                For 20 years I have suffered with Gout. Gout is caused by high blood levels of Uric acid that crystallize and deposit in the joints of the foot and toes. This can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. My doctors never found it or if they did they never mentioned that my foot pain could be caused by Gout.

I took it upon myself to see what could be causing such pain. I researched and asked for a copy of my blood test. I showed it to my acupuncturist who immediately saw the elevated Uric acid in my blood.

First up I used cherry extract which I read would counter the Uric acid buildup. It unfortunately would not deal with the cause of the Uric acid. Then in walks Jose H. Prud’homme.


            Jose works with Quantum Biofeedback. With this he was able to determine that my body was totally acidic which is common with age and some diets. He recommended I drink alkaline water to balance my system.

A day into drinking the water my body felt energized and awake. What I thought was age making my martial arts practices suffer, was the gout and my bodies acidity.

I have been drinking the water for a few months now and have yet to have any sign of the gout returning. My energy level is thru the roof and my training has resumed as if I was 10 years younger.


            Thank you Jose for making my life pain free, finally.


Kenny Lopez






American Art Gallery <>


jhurt63838 <>


alik/ testimonial


Thu, Jun 9, 2011 12:39 am

Hi Jose,

I hope that helps.

 I have met Jose through a recommendation of a close friend of mine. This was a remarkable and auspicious encounter. I have been practicing and teaching a form of inner work /meditation for the last 35 years of my life, yet lately my body started sending some signals I could not ignore. I came to Jose, fully trusting and grateful.


From the first 'session' in quantum bio feedback, I felt a dramatic improvement in my well being.  My particular problem - pains and needle like sensations in my heart - had disappeared almost right from the start.  As the treatment went on, all my other aches and pains started disappearing.  Each time I had a doubt or misgivings due to the esoteric nature of the work and its approach to human health, Jose's patience and good nature dispelled my hesitations.


As time went on the feeling of 'being healthy' returned and a sense of confidence in this miraculous technique increased.  












mramireze <>


jhurt63838 <>




Sat, May 7, 2011 6:12 pm

Dear Jose

I would like you to know how much the treatment helped. I used to be extremely tired, real sluggish when walking, after half hour I just felt my legs really heavy, not only that, my blood pressure has been high since long time ago, so much so that when I went to the doctor he raised the dosage to 40 mgs from 20 that I used to take. In general I had extreme fatigue.

You recommended Dr Roth’s vitamins after checking me with your computer, which I never heard of and I have been taking them for 4 months and I can tell you there is a real difference now. You told me how with large amounts of vitamin C, it would help boost my circulation, well it did.

I will keep on with my treatment, but I wanted to let you know how well I am feeling.

I noticed that when I work night shift, I am more alert and in general I have much more energy than before. The blood pressure is dropping to more normal levels now and without the medication.

I want you to know how much I appreciate your advice.

I wish you all the best. I know how important natural healing is and how well the body responds to it.

Thank you again

Best regards

Marcela Garduno




October 12, 2011
Personal Testimonial

For the past few months I have been a client of José Prud'homme.   I can with all honesty attest to the fact that his method of healing the body is truly remarkable.

Approximately six months ago I developed a stomach related illness.  My symptoms included vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss, and dehydration.  For months I was in and out of the hospital.  However, the doctors were unable to determine the cause of my illness.   After a few months, my primary care physician referred me to a gastroenterologist hoping that she would be able to determine the root cause of the illness.  Unfortunately, after a series of exams and procedures she was also unable to determine the underlying cause.

Frustrated with being ill and fed up with not getting any viable answers from the doctors I decided to explore a different approach to healing my body.  I was put in contact with José through a family member who is a client.   She explained that his approach to healing was through bringing the whole body into balance.  I was told that he used a Holistic approach to healing using energy.  Based on my experience with the traditional medical approach to my problem I felt that I had nothing to lose by giving his method of healing a chance.

After one telephone conversation José was able to use his Distance Healing energy treatment to determine the cause of my illness.  He was also able to determine the remedies that would best suit my body for healing.  They were a combination of homeopathic and herbal products.   After I began taking the remedies my health began to improve.   Now, after working with him for the past few months, I am no longer experiencing my earlier symptoms.  My energy levels have also significantly increased.

Based on my experience with José I would highly recommend him to others.  His method of healing is absolutely amazing.   He is trained to check the patient’s energy storage centers, i.e., their chakras and auras, then to examine their energy patterns.  He is then able to heal by correcting any imbalances that are revealed.





My In Harmony Experience

After 2 years of working diligently on a series of deadlines involved in writing a large reference book with lots of stress and often too little sleep, my health was in a general state of disrepair.   As fate would have it, I met José Prudhomme while visiting Fitness Results in New York City to see another practitioner.

During our first exploratory meeting José explained his Energy based approach to healing that had evolved from Quantum Physics.   He also described his Long Distance Energy Treatments.  I was fascinated by the untold healing possibilities of this Energy based Holistic healing method and thought immediately of my sister.  She lives in another city and has been suffering for a few years with a rather serious illness that the doctors have found no cure for.  I was so excited by the possibility of finding help for her until I called her immediately when I returned home after meeting José.  She agreed to try his Long Distance Energy Treatments, but felt that I should go through the process locally first.   I agreed and set up an appointment.


My first session was nothing short of amazing.   After José worked diligently on his computer for approximately 1½ hours while I rested and dozed intermittently while attached to an Energy Box, he was able to quite accurately pinpoint a number of physical and spiritual imbalances that were contributing to my overall unhealthy state.   During the session he had checked an impressive 7,000 items in my body and sent out a number of Energy corrections to begin the healing process.  He then prescribed a combination of homeopathic and herbal medicines for some of the physical imbalances.


That was only the beginning of our relationship.   Since I must continue to work long hours and to travel constantly with my now successful book, I have had the need to utilize both the local and Long Distance Energy Treatments.   It has all been quite fascinating.   I have been able to e-mail and/or call José from cities both in the US and in Europe.  In each case, he has been able to research my situation and send out corrections.   Because he is working with Energy he does not have the physical limitations of traditional medical people.  I actually do not know what I would have done without his help during this hectic year of work and travel. 


Most importantly, I have come to realize the role of Energy in our lives.  I now know that when we think or speak our bodies are receiving and transmitting energy daily through our sound waves or brain wavelengths.  I also realize that we are truly multi-dimensional beings.  Everything we do affects us on many levels including physical, mental, and emotional.  When we see the manifestations of illness through imbalances on the physical level, for true healing to take place, all 3 areas must be checked.  This is not done with traditional symptom based medicine.  However, using Energy to heal our bodies that are completely wired for receiving it is both natural and extremely efficient. 

Understanding the power of the chakras that are the energy storage centers in our bodies allows Energy Practitioners like José to examine and help us to correct any Energy Patterns that may cause illness.  These patterns include the events that were stored from yesterday as well as those from many years ago.  All memories buried in the chakras are not necessarily pleasant.  Balancing the energy and correcting the chakras brings healing on every level.   This is what José is able to accomplish with this remarkable science.  

Final Note

One month after I began seeing José my sister began receiving the Long Distance Treatments.   She is doing quite well.



 October 6, 2011

Hi Jose

I just came back to Norway from Germany.  I just wanted to tell you that I postponed the operation that was schedule for October 14, 2011. I want to have another month to work with your distance treatment.

I am still hoping to avoid the operation; I really do not like the doctor’s opinion that there are 20 to 30% chances to have a normal sex life.


I wanted to tell you that may be it is starting to work; something is opening up a little; after the last session I started to feel lots of heat in my body. For the first time in months, I had a little trickle of urine; I still had to use the devise to empty my bladder. This is a tiny sign that something might be changing.

It is amassing that the very small changes that you can see in the numbers, I am feeling them.

I look forward with lots of hope to your distance treatment.

Thank you,

Testimonial:   On the Way to Recovery

Dear Jose,

After four months of suffering with Candida yeast infection, I am happy to tell you that I am ready to go back to my country free of aches and pains.  I owe this to you and your quantum biofeedback method. 

I went through the months of October and November feeling hundreds of hot pinching needles on my back and sometimes on other parts of my body almost every day and night.  My doctor who happens to be a great holistic doctor did not even suspect the Candida yeast.  He thought that my symptoms were allergic reactions to some medication that I was taking for diabetes and my thyroid.  He switched medication but my condition was getting worse.  Meanwhile, the last blood test showed some allergies that I had suddenly developed to 25 different foods.

            After that I started a very limited and strict diet, which of course kept my blood sugar below 110 but as soon as I ate something new and different my condition kept getting worse.

            After this last appointment and before I had a chance to see the doctor again to talk about what caused all these allergies he was getting ready to leave for vacation.  That was the time that you diagnosed the Candida yeast infection.  You were so sure and positive about this that you started my treatment right away. By this time my condition had worsened.  I really thought I would never be able to eat and feel normal again.   Of course the allergic reactions were not the only thing that bothered me.  Among the many other symptoms were muscle pains, constipation, digestive disturbances, nervousness, lack of sleep and many more. 

Gradually your therapeutic methods, the diet you prescribed, the homeopathic and herbal remedies started to alleviate the symptoms.  At the same time you started to allow the prohibited items one at a time like organic chicken, eggs, oatmeal, whole wheat, etc.

Jose, your great personality, your patience, your knowledge, and experience made things easier for me.  Your distance energy treatments also helped a lot.  After each session I would go to sleep much faster and I would wake up in the morning feeling a lot better.  Sometimes I really thought that you would get sick and tired of my constant complaints, but you always with a smile on your face or a pleasant friendly voice on the phone, would calm me down and give me hope and positive energy.

When I finally saw my doctor again and I told him about your diagnosis and treatment, he agreed with it and told me to continue with the prescribed remedy.

In closing, I would like to thank you again and let you know how much I appreciate all you did for me.  I will definitely keep in touch with you.  God bless you.

                                                            Sincerely,Athena Dagounakis




Back in December 2013, my brother-in-law Julián, living in the Dominican Republic was complaining of very strong headaches for a few days. He did not take analgesics. He was just lying down until the pain subsided. The headaches continued; he went to see his doctor who ordered a tomography to find out what was wrong. The day before the tomography, he went to play ball, when coming back home, he walked dragging his feet.

Without strength, he went to lie down and a fever started. His family thought it was grippe. Two days later of being in bed with high fever, he had no strength in the extremities and started to talk broken words; he was taken to the emergency room.

Many tests were done including the tomography. Everything was normal according to the results. The next day the family was told that he had “Nile Fever” due to a mosquito bite; he continued with high fever and had convulsions several times. His health continued deteriorating and his doctor did not know what he had because all the tests were normal. His doctor decided to refer him to a psychiatrist. The Psychiatrist said that the case was not psychiatric. Julián fell into a “coma”.

A team of three doctors gave him a very small chance of surviving due to an inflammation in the brain. He was transferred to intensive care. After a couple of days the family was told to be prepared because he could have a heart attack and that he was not responding to the treatment. Two day later he was the same, still in a “coma”.

I called Jose and ask him to do an evaluation of him to figure out the problem, and the possibilities of recovery.

Jose told us that the brain in fact had inflammation but was responding to the energy stimulation. The problem was cardiovascular and circulatory, blood clots in brain.

Jose did a second therapy session and Julián move a finger the next day. A third session was done in the morning

And that day he got out of the “coma” and the three doctors could not believe it. He was asked if he knew his wife’s name. He responded correctly. He was asked who the person in the room was. He responded “my daughter”.

More tests were done and he was told that the inflammation in the brain was viral encephalitis and that it was going to take time to recover. Jose did more distance healing. A few days later he was sent home to recover.

We are very grateful and thank God for Putting Jose In our path.

Mayra Vasquez

Allergies Testimonial

…no sneezes or stuffed up nose.


Thank you Jose,

“Wow! My son cleaned out the garage today and no sneezes or stuffed up nose. This treatment was great. Before these allergy treatments he wouldn’t last 5 minutes without becoming congested, start sneezing and become uncomfortable. He likes that there are no needles, it is painless and easy.”

Angela Falcon

ECZEMA Apprehensive? Don’t be…


Make the call. I hesitated to make the call for two months. I finally made the call when my daughter refused to wear any clothes that exposed her patches of eczema. I knew immediately that Jose and his laser allergy treatment was there to help.

Within a few days of the first appointment, we saw results. By the second appointment, my daughter was wearing shorts and t-shirts. For those of you with children that have skin problems, I know you understand how emotional it is to see your child put on a t-shirt and let the world see their bare arms!

When the sessions are over, we will leave with higher self-esteem and a reminder to never accept things the way they are.

Thank You Jose for bringing us In Harmony!

A Grateful Mom (Yonkers, NY)

GLUTEN ALLERGY “I have been eating gluten for almost 3 weeks again after years of not being able to…”


“I am 8 treatments in and have 2 left.. I would like to say that I have been eating gluten for almost 3 weeks again after years of not being able to. I am able to drink beer again, eat pizza, pretzels, pasta, and none of the “acid” attacks plus other more awful things.. The redness and irritation in the my skin on my face has calmed way down, and this has been the best allergy season, not that I had severe ones, but I don’t even have the usual minor cold symptoms from them.. I have noticed a lot of other changes, but those are the most impressive.. Thanks so much..”

Brian O’Connor

GLUTEN ALLERGY some pretty significant changes have occurred..

So far I have completed 5 of the ten sessions, and I must say some pretty significant changes have occurred.. I haven’t sneezed in a week! My digestion has greatly improved; I even ate wheat 3 days in a row without the usual, bloat, heartburn, and the up all night “acid reflux” and difficulty swallowing. My lymphatic circulation is so… much better, the node behind my ear that has been the size and as hard as a marble has almost gone away! That has been there for 32 years when I was stung by a bumble bee as a kid.. The skin on y face is less red, irritated and swollen.. I think I will try a beer for the first time in a long long time tonight to celebrate.

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